Crampons suggestions for trail running shoes | Uphill Athlete

Crampons suggestions for trail running shoes

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  • #41787

    I’ve done alpine climbing as a hobby for years, and of late have a growing interest in mountain running. I have some ambitious (for me) goals for this summer (e.g. Ptarmigan Traverse, that kind of a thing), and am trying to figure out a good crampon option for a trail running shoe.

    I’m wondering if anyone has suggestions for crampons to go with a trail runner for such a route. I was thinking of something like the Petzl Leopard FL, which is light and has the dyneema cords, so it seems like it would flex with the shoe. But this is a new world for me, and am looking for an educated opinion before making a purchase.

    Thank you!

Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #41788

    Hi Joseph,

    Glad to hear the mtn running bug bit you – wide worlds open up when you realize how much terrain you can cover when running!

    I’ve used both the Leopard FL and Kahtoola Microspikes for trail shoes while moving over snowy terrain. Short of really steep and really firm conditions, I’ve found the microspikes cover most bases quite well and their lower profile is easier to move in, whereas the Leopards as a more conventional crampon can be a bit ungainly when you’re moving between steep and gradual grades.

    For something like the Ptarmigan where most of your snow/glacier time is in traverses and rarely steep and straight up, I think the microspikes would be great.

    Not sure if you’ve seen, but one of our coached athletes, Mike Foote, and his partner Stephen Gnam ran the Ptarmigan last July and didn’t bring crampons or spikes, based on an earlier scouting mission:

    Have fun!

    alpinejoe on #41789

    Thanks for the quick reply! I am super excited about it, and the possibilities of combining mountain running and climbing as my fitness get better. I did see that post – I’m on this site probably more often than I should be!

    Where would you say is a the “right” time for something like the Leopard crampons? I do have some ideas that are a bit steeper than what you find on the PT, and trying to evaluate if there’s ever a time for a running shoe + crampon, or if at that point you may as well use a lightweight boot, if that makes sense. Or maybe it just comes down to what you’re comfortable with, and experimentation?

    Anyhow, really appreciate the advice, and this resource!

    Anonymous on #41793

    Yeah – i think as the terrain steepens, such as direct approaches to early-season climbs, etc., it could be more beneficial to have the Leopards. Also (certainly) if the surface is very firm – the microspikes do NOT suffer ice well… But as you say, I think experimentation and experience counts for a lot. Fortunately both types are lightweight enough that you can pack both, play around in different terrain/conditions and figure out your preferences.

    Aaron on #41798

    I went with leopard fl as I wanted to trim down weight on my ski kit and do double duty for running and spring easy mountaineering. Unfortunately, I’m sure both would be preferable for specific circumstances! The folks at alp insights seem to like the 10 point ones Sam mentions. I believe they have a review.

    alpinejoe on #41815

    Thanks Sam and Aaron!

    andreamark543 on #44252

    I recommend you to use Nike Zoom Vaporfly, its too comfy and lightweight shoes, you will feel very comfortable after wearing it, I also use it and I bought it from ReeCoupons because it’s too expensive in shops, there varieties of others are available too if you wanna more option must once check there.

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