Maximising a season despite suboptimal prep | Uphill Athlete

Maximising a season despite suboptimal prep

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  • #39073

    Dear uphill athletes,

    Last year I had a great autumn and winter, with a good transition and built up to weekly 15-30k longs runs. This left me in great shape for a Scottish winter climbing trip able to move fast through deep snow and only need 24 hours to recover from a big weekend of 2 x 8 hour climbing days.

    This year my preparation has been suboptimal. I have had a high ‘life stress’ load and a much lower training load duing autumn. Now I find myself in the climbing season, but weekends away take 2-3 days to recover from and I am loathe to train too much in the week in case I get tired / sick for the next weekend trip.

    The rest of my winter looks like this
    wk10 – off
    wk11 – large volume week of hiking / easy mountaineering
    wk12 – off
    wk13 – 3 day ice climbing trip ben nevis
    wk14 – off
    wk15 – 4 day ski touring trip alps

    Question: does anyone have strategies for such a situation?

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #39277

    Been there, done that, blew up…

    It’s wise to be cautious and avoid getting sick. You’ll progress at a faster rate that way when in stressful circumstances (although it won’t feel like it).

    The first thing that comes to mind: On your off weeks, what’s the minimum amount of training that you can sustain? Could you do 5x 30′ super easy runs and 2x 30′ strength sessions? If you can play a hard defense on your off weeks, then your training weeks will benefit from less back-tracking.

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