Where to find recorded meetings and possible to move whole week training plan? ? | Uphill Athlete

Where to find recorded meetings and possible to move whole week training plan? ?

  • Creator
  • #58433
    Julia Levin

    I have two questions: Where do I find recorded meetings if I miss them live? And does anyone know if it´s possible to move a whole week or more in the training plan on Training peaks?

  • Keymaster
    Coach on #58454


    The recorded meetings are on google drive and it is linked on our forum (scroll down towards the bottom). As far as moving training weeks you can watch last week’s zoom to show how to do this. This youtube videos also walks you through how to move your training around: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEvmHKxrPvw

    I hope that helps!

    Coach on #58461

    I wanted to follow up-I was no longer seeing that Forum Post (not sure what happened to it) so I made a new one 🙂 Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the Google Drive!

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