Upcoming Dec 8th Zoom Topics | Uphill Athlete

Upcoming Dec 8th Zoom Topics

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  • #60172

    Wanted to start a thread here for the upcoming Zoom meeting on Dec 8. One of the main topics we are going to dig into here is the Anerobic Threshold test (AnT) that is in your plan and how to interpret the results. What other issues are folks having that they want to touch on?? We will field some Q and A during the call but if theres anything you want to make sure is on the docket please post here and we’ll try and get to is. Just FYI the Zoom on Dec 22nd will be a lecture about nutrition.

  • Participant
    Edgar Carby on #60200

    I’d love to know more about Aerobic Deficiency Syndrome and the 10% test.

    Also, on the last call, I think I heard that heartrate is just a proxy for energy systems. So does that mean that heartrate as a number is only important because it tells us when we move from primarily fat to primarily glycogen as the main source of energy? And further, that as you get more fat adapted, your AeT goes up and approaches your ANeT because you can rely on fat at harder and harder efforts?

    Anurag Doshi on #60317

    I would love to know what level of CTL I need to maintain for Rainier.

    Nate Emerson on #60337

    @Edgar: We’ll try to cover ADS and AeT/AnT comparison on the call.

    HR is the best tool we have to measure work/load/intensity. It’s not perfect, but there are too many variables when training for mountaineering to use another measure.

    We’ll try to cover the fat adapted question in more detail on the call.

    There are different ways to become fat adapted, and not all will be correlated to optimal performance.

    Nate Emerson on #60339

    @Anurag: We’re careful not to make too specific of a recommendation for CTL.
    If you have a longer history in TrainingPeaks comprised of similar style workouts, then you should try to get to a sustained CTL of 75-80 to feel ready for Rainier.
    If you are new to TrainingPeaks or an organized plan for mountaineering, then trust in the trajectory of the training. Do your best with your Drift Test and AnT Test so that your metrics are as accurate as possible. Trust in the plan even if your CTL looks like it will end up a little lower. CTL is individualized, and one athlete’s 70 is another athlete’s 90.
    CTL is very important, but make sure to do workouts consistently as prescribed. It can be possible to have a high CTL built off the wrong parameters.
    Some athletes succeed with a lower CTL. Some still struggle despite a higher CTL. Factors in that situation might include:
    *lack of specificity in training (TSS achieved in less-specific activities or terrain)
    *lack of specificity with environment (not enough training in early mornings, darkness, cold, altitude, hills, trails, etc)
    *being too generous with TSS (recording long breaks during a long hiking day; recording very easy activity and considering it a training session)
    *less skill in crampons/boots/snow travel
    *challenge adapting to the pace of the rope team (not enough variability in pace/terrain in training)
    *experience, attitude, grit, determination, fear, etc.
    I would rather see an athlete show up on Rainier with a CTL of 70 who has considered the factors above, then see an athlete show up with a CTL of 100 who achieved that using a bike and weight machines.

    Anurag Doshi on #60392

    Thank you @Nate for the awesome details and context.

    mattmay3s on #60425

    Wildly fluctuating heart rate

    Last couple of Z2/Z1 runs has seen my HR vary wildly while PRE remains constant. AeT is 152, ANet 175. Heart rate has been swinging from 115 to 175 whilst PRE is 2 or 3. Seems to settle after about 15 mins. Thoughts?

    MarkPostle on #60457

    Is HR actually varying that much or is it HR monitor inaccuracies until it makes a good connection?? (i.e. contacts working better after working up a sweat) Regardless I would use RPE as 2-3 for a warmup and i think youll be fine.

    Justin Jones on #60486

    I had really wanted to ask about adapting the schedule of the program to better coincide with my Orizaba climb in late February. Current programming has this ending in January. Obviously I’ll need to make an adjustment.

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