Treat Z3 Intervals as ME for TSS? | Uphill Athlete


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Treat Z3 Intervals as ME for TSS?

  • Creator
  • #53626


    Apologies if this has been covered somewhere already. I have searched through all the trainingpeaks tagged posts and I can’t seem to see it covered.

    Just wondering how to treat Z3 intervals (in Big Vert Plan) when it comes to TSS.

    Should I just use hrTSS and adjust for the vert? In Z3 I am, by definition, below AnT so my understanding is that if my zones (and specifically AnT) are set correctly training peaks will just scale the effort relative to 1 hour at AnT being equal to 100.

    I just want to check if this is the right way to track them or if I should be tracking them more like an ME workout (which I also see them described as) and just assigning the TSS based on recovery time?



  • Participant
    Shashi on #53659


    Have you checked this forum discussion –

    TSS for Uphill Sprints

    dan.k on #53741

    Hi Shashi,

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, I had seen that post but that person seemed to be referring to “all-out” maximal intervals which Scott was saying should probably have you tasting blood…I think a Z3 interval is a little different. I would think on those all out maximal intervals the HR would be well above AnT whereas for Z3 you are obviously below AnT.

    My gut feeling for Z3 was probably that I could just rely on hrTSS plus the standard vertical adjustment?



    Anonymous on #53945

    “My gut feeling for Z3 was probably that I could just rely on hrTSS plus the standard vertical adjustment?”

    This is what I have been doing for the past few years and I am seeing overall good sustained results to my work. I have ADS and so walking uphill has always been the best training for my base as its sport specific (mountaineering) and I can easily control HR zone.

    ME workouts (if I understand correctly) are designed to target something slightly different and so I’m less concerned w/ keeping strictly in a zone but rather completing my training task (eg 25%bw up 2000′ gain or whatever). By the time the MEs are getting added in I’ve got a decent amount of “money in the bank” from the few months prior. That’s been my take at least.

    Anonymous on #55300

    In addition to Shashi’s link, we also recommend adjusting TSS for gain regardless of intensity:

    Making the Most of Your Uphill Athlete Training Plan

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