Training without clear event date | Uphill Athlete


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Training without clear event date

  • Creator
  • #52159

    Hey everyone!
    With all this COVID fever around many events were cancelled and many dates became unclear. What will be the best approach to keep as good as possible training level to be ready for an event specific training as soon as the date becomes clear?
    My idea is to go with the “continuous” base training with “light week” every other 4 – 6 weeks of training depending on how I feel.
    How do you approach similar situations?

  • Participant
    Dada on #52160

    > no ADS
    > you have sufficient time from the confirmation day to the actual race day (min 6-8 weeks)
    > your VO2MAX is lower than 75

    I would do a highly polarized training w/ 90-95% of Z1 and 5-10% Z4 (VO2MAX-Training). Start w/ 5% Z4 and see how you tolerate that. 6 to 8 weeks prior the race I would switch to the very specific event training: when your event is Z3-based train Z3 (still highly polarized), when your event is below AeT go with Z1/2 training + ME (w/ some Z3).

    Let me know if you have any questions.


    Andrey on #52165

    Hi Dada
    I have improved my aerobic base but still have 12% difference between AeT and AnT… I assume the difference for me could be do more of Z2-based training (instead of Z1). Agree?

    hafjell on #52168

    4-6 weeks without a recover week seems too long. Why not stick to 3 weeks of building followed by 1 week of 50% of week 3, then week 5 is week 3 x 1.05 or such? Curious.

    Dada on #52173

    I agree with hafjell regarding the recovery weeks.
    Btw, I can only do a 2:1 training-to-recovery-ratio of my described program.

    It would be good to come very close to your 10% AnT/AeT ratio before you add intensity. And to reach that you should do Z2 training.

    Andrey on #52187

    Yeah, I believe 2:1 or 3:1 makes more sense.

    Thank you all!

    Anonymous on #53519

    I agree. Six weeks is probably too long without a recovery week. 2:1 or 3:1 is more common.

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