Training Plan For 30-50k Trail Race | Uphill Athlete


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Training Plan For 30-50k Trail Race

  • Creator
  • #25111


    I have been bouldering for the last 2 years and am ready to get back in to the mountains next season. I did some easyish mountain objectives this year but they weren’t anything that required dedicated training beyond my general fitness. I have some harder objectives in mind for next year and I want to spend the fall / winter building my aerobic capacity so I am ready for dedicated mountain training next year.

    With that in mind I am looking at training for a 35 or 50k trail race with the goal to just complete it and not bonk or feel dead at the end. The two races I am looking at are in April and have between 1000 and 1500m of elevation gain.

    Which Uphill Athlete Training Plans would you recommend with these goals in mind?

    Thanks so much

Posted In: Mountain Running

  • Participant
    p_hilip on #25114

    Looks like Luke Nelson’s 50K is for you.

    20 Week Luke Nelson’s Intro to Ultra Running Training Plan

    Anonymous on #25209


    I agree that Luke’s Intro to Ultras plan is well suited for the goals you have. Good luck.


    robert.e.s.pearlman on #25312

    Thanks for the feedback. It looks like that is the plan. My race is April 11th so that means I need to start the plan in early to mid November. That gives me a solid 14-15 weeks lay on a good base.


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