Tips for meniscus repair recovery? | Uphill Athlete

Tips for meniscus repair recovery?

  • Creator
  • #44911

    I sustained a knee injury about 5 weeks ago; based on symptoms I am pretty sure it is a bucket handle meniscus tear. I have an ortho appointment tomorrow; I have accepted that I’ll likely need surgery to repair it.

    Any tips on making a speedier recovery, and not overdoing it getting back into things?

    I was following the UA training plan in the spring of 2019 (getting in shape to winter climb Mt Washington in NH w/ plan to get fitter/faster and eventually climb glaciated peaks out west) when I developed achilles tendonitis (14 months ago now), likely from overuse (and then a grade 3 ankle sprain, and then pulled my low back). I am 35 and primarily a hiker; I was also trail running, although I havent returned to that. I was just getting back my to doing over 3500′ elevation gain in a hike when I tore my meniscus last month.

    I want to get strong and train up after this is repaired, but am nervous about overdoing it. Any tips appreciated, or local resources would be appreciated(I live in MA/do most of my hiking in NH).

Posted In: Injury & Rehab

  • Participant
    Pete Dickinson MS,PT on #44948

    While meniscus surgery is considered a quick rehab, it’s not uncommon for a lot of inflammation to develop on the trimmed rim as you return to loading. You can only progress as quick as it lets you, so not to bang this drum all the time, you gotta listen to the pain and not overdo it. The 10% rule for volume and intensity is a great rule of thumb. From your description of other injuries, I would prescribe a core and general strength program to help with the back and tendon injuries that are common in the Uphill Athlete.

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