Time on Feet Training for Endurance? | Uphill Athlete

Time on Feet Training for Endurance?

  • Creator
  • #54922


    I am in an environment with no mountains close by, and one trail close by, the trail has a small hill element.

    There are some other hills available, however my environment by uphill standards is flat land.

    I am training based only on time no heart rate, and no GPS.

    Time out is roughly 60 min daily.

    My question In this environment would it be possible to increase endurance by increasing time on feet pass 60 min?


    Is there some other element I will be missing being in the environment I am now?

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    Anonymous on #54937

    Are there any adjustments that need to be made as someone who is training inside urban area, with no convenient high altitude access?

    Can the zone/heart rate method that is used by most of the athletes on here be useful to increase my aerobic endurance; since there is no steep terrain, only some slight hills? Or is simply training by time enough?

    Since being in a detrained state, I’m seeking ways to enhance my training thought process based on what little terrain I can access.

    Anonymous on #54940

    Heart rate training will work fine. For folks that are new to training, there’s a 99.99999999% chance that they will go too hard to increase their aerobic capacity. Training by heart rate is a great way to limit the intensity so that your time is spent wisely.

    Flat running will definitely help. For clients that are in a similar situation, we often suggest a lot of treadmill work and/or laps inside a tall building’s stairwell.

    Anonymous on #54944

    Thank you Mr. Semple.

    I do not have a treadmill, but do have stairs and an Air-bike.

    Is this single style of training a disadvantage when it comes to building endurance, since all work is flat with some hills?

    Maybe I am over thinking all of this?

    Anonymous on #55001

    Disadvantage compared to what?

    Compared to an ideal situation where your training is perfect and very specific to your goal event? Probably, but it’s more important to compare it to your options. We all need to work within our constraints.

    Use the next worse real thing as the benchmark, not the ideal scenario.

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