Testing lab recommendation in Alberta | Uphill Athlete


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Testing lab recommendation in Alberta

  • Creator
  • #29584

    What is a reputable testing lab in Alberta (Calgary/Canmore/Banff)
    for metabolic cart testing?

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #29652

    I don’t know what the test protocol is, but the Canmore Nordic Centre recently started doing tests for the public: http://www.csicalgary.ca/sport-performance-testing. (Previously, they only tested National Team members.)

    I recently had a test done at TCR Sports in Calgary that measured AeT, AnT, and max. Cory (the owner) has been testing for a long time and is very knowledgeable.

    And now that I know you’re local to my home town (Canmore), I’m even more curious: Who is @xcskier? 🙂

    xcskier on #29734

    I presume that none of the labs in the area can do roller-skiing test
    on a big treadmill. Correct?

    I am not from the area, just visiting Canmore/Banff for the first time
    and it looks like it’s not the best time to do dryland training here.

    Anonymous on #29939

    I thought that the CNC had a wide ski-friendly treadmill, but I could be mistaken. Even if they do, it may be reserved for National Team use.

    Call the Bill Warren Training Center. It’s located at the CNC, and that’s where any testing would be done anyway. They should be able to tell you if they have a ski-treadmill, and if it’s available.

    xcskier on #30148

    Call the Bill Warren Training Center. It’s located at the CNC, and that’s where any testing would be done anyway. They should be able to tell you if they have a ski-treadmill, and if it’s available.

    They do have a ski-treadmill and it seems it’s possible to get tested on it,
    but it’s broken at the moment.

    Any recommendations for a nice long (1+ hr) continuous uphill run (with poles) in Canmore?

    Anonymous on #30150

    How steep?

    If you actually want to run, then going up Sulphur Mountain in Banff is a good one, and you can take the gondola down for free. (Double-check that, but the gondola is usually free for descents after Canadian Thanksgiving, which is this weekend.)

    For a rolling run, check out “The Bench” on the north side of the valley which stretches from the Alpine Club at the east end of town all the way to Harvie Heights, the next town toward Banff. There are all kinds of trails on that side of the valley. Trailforks probably has the main ones. (On the opposite side of the valley is the Highline trail.)

    For something steeper, Grotto, Lady Mac, EEOR, and Ha Ling are the usual suspects. In order of steepness:

    * Grotto (30-40% in some sections)
    * EEOR
    * Lady Mac (~20+%)
    * Ha Ling (new trail, probably similar to Sulphur Mountain I suspect, but I haven’t done it since it was finished.)

    Reverse the order for the Busy With Tourists factor.

    Damn, this is making me homesick… (Except for the tourists part)

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