Target CTL for Ski Mountaineering | Uphill Athlete


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Target CTL for Ski Mountaineering

  • Creator
  • #54819

    I enjoyed the article referencing CTL targets for various mountaineering objective such as an 8000M peak without oxygen. What would you say would be a good CTL target range for high level ski alpinism moving at a fast pace and being able to do 3000m in a day? Target goals would be something like Kain Face on Mt Robson or East Face of Cascade while moving fast and being able to move at paces somewhat comparable to a North American ski mountaineering racer. Target CTL for a targeted vert speed would also be very interesting.

    Thank you and looking forward to your reply!

Posted In: Ski Mountaineering

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #55352

    Be careful about prioritizing the metric over the activity. And CTL scores are really only comparable to the person using them.

    In every sport aerobic capacity is always a “more is better” quality (but not so with anaerobic), so get your CTL as high as possible in as sport-specific a manner as possible.

    And lastly, 100 is a nice round number. 🙂

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