Strength Presentation | Uphill Athlete


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Strength Presentation

  • Creator
  • #66197

    Good Day FUA’s!
    It’s time to talk all about Strength Training!
    There are so many reasons why we should strength train:?
    1) Injury prevention??
    2) Sport performance – movement economy
    3 ) Build Bone density/avoid muscle tissue decreases – maintain bone density and strength through life
    4) Metabolic efficiency – increased capillarisation of muscle tissue staying aerobic is easier!
    5) Confidence – do a pull up, generally just be able to move and lift things easily.
    6) Weight Loss – muscle burns more calories than fat, increased RMR.
    Many women are still less likely to strength train on a regular basis and it is hugely important that we do and develop that habit life long.?

    STRENGTH (Injury prevention) – begins with proper alignment before loading the system:
    Aligning the modern athlete – An often overlooked and under supported aspect of athletic training is mobility and structural alignment. Proper musculoskeletal alignment is key to functional movement, injury prevention, strength training, and overall performance in any sport.

    There are few sports and activities for recreational athletes in which the practice of proper warm up and more importantly mobility exercises are stressed. Many of the athletes I have had the pleasure to work with have needed to focus on alignment and mobility to return their bodies to a state of balance and functional range of motion not only to fix and avoid injury, but also to increase output and performance, and decrease existing pain.
    I cannot stress enough that our athletes take time to not only work on mobility in the gym, but also design a practice of taking 10 to 15 minutes a day (at first) or more, to work on the mobility movements they’ve learned at the Ripple Effect – especially to target “issue areas”. No weights are necessary, and limited space and/or equipment is required. If we can incorporate the movements in our day, every day, in tiny bits and pieces, they will make a huge difference. The benefits of mindful mobility work far outweigh those of mindless stretching, or adding more weight and/or reps to a current home workout (although if you currently stretch an hour once each week, don’t stop!).

    Aligning the Modern Athlete

    Mobility versus Flexibility
    Mobility – is functional range of motion of a joint loaded in a movement with body weight or an external load.
    RE Mobility

    Pw RE81623

    UA – Yoga

    password: UAYOGA

    Hypermobility – Joint hypermobility is very common. Hypermobility means your joints can move beyond the normal range of motion. This means your joints are very flexible. The most commonly affected joints are your elbows, wrists, fingers and knees.
    However, hypermobile joints can lead to joint pain. Over time, joint hypermobility can lead to degenerative cartilage and arthritis.
    *Hypermobility Syndrome is a more severe joint mobility condition.

    Strength – FORM:

    Uphill Database of Movements
    Password Uphill2020

    2) Sport performance – movement economy

    – Section Three, Chapters 6, 7 and 8 in
    Training for the Uphill Athlete – (it is also available on Audible)

    Training for the Uphill Athlete

    3) Bone density/Muscle tissue decreases with aging
    Muscle tissue changes with aging

    4) Metabolic efficiency – increased capitalization of muscle tissue. Increased capillarisation involves supplying muscles with an increase in capillaries that increase oxygen availability. There are many benefits of increased capillarisation including the maintenance of healthy muscles, increased healing and improved circulation. Capillarisation is the process where new capillaries are formed. Capillarisation takes place at the alveoli in the lungs and at the skeletal muscle. This has the effect of increasing the amount of oxygen that can be transferred to the working muscles as well as increasing the amount of carbon dioxide that can be removed.

    5) Confidence – comes from Strength!!! pull up, deadlift, push ups…Daily life stuff.

    6) Increased RMR – activity and exercise as well as strength training all increase your overall RMR, muscle tissue requires more caloric demand to sustain than body fat.

    7) Specific to women –
    Changes in muscle mass and strength after menopause

    Effect of Estrogen on Musculoskeletal Performance and Injury Risk

    Why do girls sustain more anterior cruciate ligament injuries than boys?: a review of the changes in estrogen and musculoskeletal structure and function during puberty

    Types of Strength Training:
    General Strength – build base first, mobility, proper alignment, quality form 8 weeks minimum. Can take longer.
    Typically 3 – 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions of movements that can be done not to or near failure but light fatigue. Less rest is needed between sets typically.
    Not muscle isolation movements but full kinetic chain movements. Push Ups, Step Ups, TGU’s, Squats, Deadlifts, Rows, Pull Ups, Dips, Planks, Sit ups…
    Muscle isolation exercises are appropriate when rehabilitating an injury, learning basic movements in a gym, These movements are done as warm up or prior to beginning a general strength phase and often appropriate for a more elderly population.

    Max Strength – next step built on top of this base. 8 week cycle usually. Can vary athlete to athlete based on goals.
    3 – 6 reps; 4 – 6 sets “generally” there are lots of variables here. Building steadily to heavier weights where you go to near but not failure. Stop when you encounter form loss. After warm up, reps completed 12 – 25 with lots of rest between.
    5 x 5 – five sets or 5 reps
    6 x 3 – six sets of 3 reps

    Muscular Endurance – the secret sauce. Must come after both of the previous cycles. Again length of training cycle depends on athlete and goal. 6-8 week cycle often if gym based. Muscular Endurance can be trained in a sport specific manner outdoors as well.
    Higher volume of repetitions, with minimal or no rest, lower weight, faster movement. Often for timed intervals.
    Athletes need a base of strength for these WO’s to avoid injury and get the most effective training from the stimulus.
    6 sets x 10 reps of split jump on the min every min, then rest 3 min
    6 x 10 air squat, lunge in place, step up, KB swing, goblet squat…

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #66198

    I tried to upload it as a separate word doc for you all but the file was to big so best to copy and past what you need!
    Sending our best,
    Carolyn and Maya

    Angeliena Kam on #66323

    Thank you for the wonderful presentation! Would it be possible to provide the links for mobility and the database of movements? With it embedded in the post, I cannot seem to access it.

    Anonymous on #66325

    Good morning Angeliena, my apologies it is odd that the links won’t work but the yoga does. Wish I was tech savvy enough to understand why that happened. However here’s another option you’ll have to manually entire the link and then bookmark it. Every time i try and just copy paste it in the forum, the forum converts it. I hope this helps ( :

    Pia Lichtblau on #66327

    Dear Carolyn,

    maybe you could post the entire document in the google drive? I would really love to print it so I can read it in calm sitting in a cafe…

    That would be great!

    Your presentation was great, you have so much knowledge and wisdom about training and the female body and I really would love to go deeper and read a lot about it. So the links you provided are a really good start for that!

    Thanks a lot!

    Anonymous on #66328

    Hi Pia,
    I tried but unfortunately the file was too big for the forum attachments (again something we need to attend to, larger file attachment capacity). What I can do is break it in to a few documents and attach which I’m happy to do. I’ll work on that later today and get it uploaded to a separate post. Stay tuned!

    Angeliena Kam on #66341

    Super helpful, thank you! That’s what I needed. I didn’t try the yoga embed as the link is provided in TrainingPeaks 🙂 relieved I’m doing the TGU properly 😀 you rock!

    Anonymous on #66356

    Great! And you are most welcome ( :

    vicky.bell on #66387

    Wait! I managed to get all 3 parts into 1 document — does this work??

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    Anonymous on #66389

    Awesome Vicky that works! Maybe the Forum was just having a little fit the other day when I first tried. Needless to say it’s in there in triplicate now ( :

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