Runalyze/TP and general questions on training | Uphill Athlete


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Runalyze/TP and general questions on training

  • Creator
  • #69653

    I’ve been training for awhile but after reading a new article about commitment vs discipline i could probably use more of both….. hence my questions.

    1st some background:
    ever since i’ve started working again after being unemployed for a year i’ve only been averaging 3hrs a week which i know isn’t going to get me to with in the magic 10% for a very long time if not at all….. ever since i started this journey i’ve been going out and running below my AeT for at least 50min at the low end, typically it’s an hour to 1 hr 10min, when i was unemployed it was regularly 1.5 to 2hrs at a time getting in closer to 4-5hrs a week. when i say below AeT it’s been typically in Z2 for example my AeT is 155, so i typically have been running at 150 or 140-145. my data is loaded up to TP and Runaalyze and I get a TRIMP and Pa:Hr or a rTSS and Pa:Hr depending on what i’m looking at.

    so….honestly i have no real idea what TRIMP or rTSS really means or what I should be paying attention to and the little I know about Pa:Hr is for doing a AeT but beyond that not sure how it plays into training runs….. i guess my questions are:
    1) if i really want to get to the magic 10% how many hours do i really need to put in a week?
    2) should i spend more time in Z1 or what % between Z1 and Z2 should I be doing?
    3) What does TRIMP/rTSS and Pa:Hr really mean in terms of training?
    4) should i be paying attention to TRIMP/rTSS and how is that affecting me? same with Pa:Hr?

  • Participant
    Mariner_9 on #69658

    “2) should i spend more time in Z1 or what % between Z1 and Z2 should I be doing?”

    Do you have ADS? If so, then more time in Z2.

    “3) What does TRIMP/rTSS and Pa:Hr really mean in terms of training?”

    Can’t comment on TRIMP. rTSS is a “training stress score” (TSS) based on your “normal” pace. It might be useful if you consistently run on the same surface and without much change in elevation gain (or at least a consistent change in elevation gain). It’s useless otherwise, e.g. for hiking or mountaineering, as the conditions underfoot change so much that “normal” pace is meaningless. I don’t know what your mountain goals are but keep this in mind.

    “4) should i be paying attention to TRIMP/rTSS and how is that affecting me? same with Pa:Hr?”

    Probably helpful to know what feels easy or hard for you over a given day, week, month – i.e. to be able to relate the TSS to how you feel.

    HTH and sorry to hear about your spell unemployed, I know how demoralising that can be.

    juskojj on #69659

    thanks, makes sense. i’m employed now but when i 1st lost my job it was demoralizing but after some time i rather enjoyed not working and being the house husband and taking care of the kids 🙂

    last ANT i did was 185, my last AeT was 155 so yeah i have ADS

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