Recovery schedule @ 4 of 7 days training plan | Uphill Athlete


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Recovery schedule @ 4 of 7 days training plan

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  • #31749


    I have read the Uphill Athlete book, it`s amazingly helpful. Due to family and work I can train on Sunday and Monday, each the full day, and Wednesday evening and Friday evening (after 7pm), only.
    Such I do nothing (no training) the day after Sunday plus Monday sessions and do have one day rest after Wednesday and Friday sessions.
    Do I still need a schedule with one week 100% training and the second or third one 50% or does my possible training plan already includes this as I do train 4 of 7 days?

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    Anonymous on #31759

    Good question. I would lean toward using something like Training Peaks to track your training. They don’t use volume only to track training load, but they have some other metrics that could be helpful, Training Stress Score and Training Stress Balance, which could be helpful.

    Note that Training Peaks metrics are not decimal-place accurate or predictive. You still have to apply some judgment as to what those numbers mean for you. But once you get used to them, I think they would work well for your schedule.

    pult on #31760

    Thank you for the swift reply. Indeed I use trainingspeaks since some years and I try to be in “Form” minus 5 to max – 20 constantly. So no extra recovery weeks then, except Form is less then – 20?

    Anonymous on #31785

    …and how you feel. If you feel like you should take an extra day off, do so.

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