Planning: Restricted to max 1 workout per day | Uphill Athlete

Planning: Restricted to max 1 workout per day

  • Creator
  • #26560

    I would like to follow the suggested training plans represented in TftNA as much as possible, however due to restricted time I can allow myself to only train once a day. Do you have any general suggestion on how to split the aerob workouts in this case?

    For example for the “Transition period” I`ve set up the suggestion below:
    Mon: Core + General strength
    Tues: Z1 25%
    Wed: Z2 15%
    Thurs: Core + General strength
    Fri: Off
    Sat: Climbing
    Sun: Z1 35%

    As you can see I upped the percentages to compensate for the less frequent aerob training.
    Once in a while I do commuting to work by bike and/or hiking (Z0) with my family, so Ive kept the remaining 25% as “flex”. (I know it will be exceeded in those cases). Testing shows im aerob deficient (21%).

    Any comments on the split and/or intensities?

    My objective is to build fitness for mountaineering and climbing.
    (I submitted a similar question yesterday but it turned red and disapperead somehow?)
    Much appreciated!

    Best regards,
    Trygve Veslum

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #26600


    This distribution looks perfectly fine to me. We rarely prescribe 2 workouts in a day anyway and only a tiny fraction of our stock plans have some 2x/day. I think you’ll do well under this program.


    trygve.veslum on #26637

    Thanks Scott, much appreciated! As stated in the books the first transition week felt ridiculously light wrt the aerob part (some of the core exercises on the other hand are very challenging), and Im looking forward to seeing how my AeT will slowly climb the next few months!

    Best regards,
    Trygve Veslum

    Anonymous on #26648

    If you can manage more aerobic volume in the one workout that will accelerate the aerobic improvement. If you choose to do this creep that volume up slowly.


    trygve.veslum on #26852

    again, many thanks for your reply! I think Ive been a bit on the conservative side when determining annual aerob hours; 300h. Therefore I allowed myself to increase the percentages a little bit, and change the intensity on the longest one from Z1 to Z2.

    Mon: Core + General strength
    Tues: Z1 25%
    Wed: Z1 10% + Z2 10%
    Thurs: Core + General strength
    Fri: Off
    Sat: Climbing
    Sun: Z2 40%

    To me this volume resembles a bit more of the “5 Week Foundation Plan for Rock Alpinist” plan.

    Comments appreciated if this looks completely disastrous.



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