Pete Dickinson ,Thanks for the help | Uphill Athlete


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Pete Dickinson ,Thanks for the help

  • Creator
  • #43667

    I would like to give a Big Shout out and Thanks to Pete Dickinson,Earlier this year I popped a tendon in my left Foot/ankle which turned out to be the result of a larger Hereditary Problem. To keep things short I had a big surgery june 2 and while my Doctor is really good, He didn’t really lay out my long term recovery plan. Post surgery He asked if I had any question and of course I asked,Will I be able to ski this year.He shook his head with a will see!
    5 weeks post surgery I sent Pete Dickinson a email and he gave me a well thought out reply which helped my Mental state and gave me a solid foundation to build the next year on! I had my cast removed july 14 and started PT on July 15.I am truly grateful to Pete and Uphill Athlete for the help as talking with my PT yesterday I was better educated and Mentally prepared to move forward, Thanks again, Barry O

Posted In: Injury & Rehab

  • Participant
    Pete Dickinson MS,PT on #43683

    You’re very kind to say the least. So happy you’re on the path forward!!

    climbgoon on #44908

    Wanted to touch base and I have a question.First PT is going well, Im still have a ankle brace and one crutch but thats for longer walks outside to keep the quality of my stride.My PT set me up with one of his Partners who happens to have skied for 50 years. He set me up with some exercises to get ready for Winter, Winter meaning late January-feb.
    My question is have you heard of a alterG treadmill? I set myself up with a month at another center as recommended. I figure at a minimum its a opportunity to get more time on my feet, even out my gait, increase my cadence to my normal hiking rate.And most important its a escape from the bad Air quality from all the fires.
    Thanks again, Barry O

    Pete Dickinson MS,PT on #44947

    AltG is a great tool for getting some greater activity in during modified loading of the lower extremity. Big focus now is to do some bilateral stance loading in squat and hip hinge with even weight bearing distribution. You then do some loading into the affected leg back and forth, you know the drill. You can make it ski specific by doing weight shifts onto a ‘flat’ ski, gotta get that weight shift alllll the way over. Ski season around the corner!!!!

    climbgoon on #45020

    Thanks again Pete. I many ways the Physical Therapy center has been a blessing.They installed a air filtration system that is hospital grade.Of course for my Rehab, but also with the Covid19 its been a great resource for fitness. I recommend to anyone with some ailments to look into PT right now. They definitely keep the facility cleaner than any gym!

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