Need help knowing Aet from drift test | Uphill Athlete


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Need help knowing Aet from drift test

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  • #45856

    Hello!! I am new to the group and the approach of Aerobic base training. Planning to start 24 wk plan.After some reading I do think I have ADS. I have done drift test twice in last few wks and still feel lost . Need some help knowing my threshold . Here are my tests.

    I did both the test after 15-20mins of warm up and used HRM chest strap.
    Thank you

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    Anonymous on #45876


    Thanks for writing into our forum. I’m not sure why you were having trouble posting but I am making my reply here for the benefit of both you and others.

    Your first test looks like a lot of variation in HR and pace making it a bit more suspect. The second test on the other hand is much more consistent for both HR and pace and shows 3.65% drift. I feel more confident that this is the one you should rely on. I feel that you should use 150-153 for your AeT (top of Z2) for now and test again on 6-8 weeks.

    What was your perceived exertion? Did this feel crazy slow and easy? If so then that’s very very good indication that you have ADS. Or was this strenuous and tiring for a more than a day after?

    I hope this helps,

    ppeddi on #45879

    Thank you Scott. I would say, it dint feel crazy slow nor easy, was more of a slightly moderate effort but felt little tired by the end of the day but was able recover by next morning and I did the same thing for 60min the very next day.

    saltzmanjane on #45880


    Are you saying that if training at your AeT feels super easy vs moderately easy plus- very technical terms I know- it may indicated ADS?

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