For max strength/max recruitment do NOT decrease the rest between sets. You want to be fully recovered for the next set so you can lift more weight. My normal way of doing this is to increase the number of sets while reducing the number of reps/set and increasing the weight in each set. An example with Pull-ups:
Set 1:4reps with 35lb added
3min rest
Set 2:4reps with 35lb added
3 min rest
Set 3:4reps with 35lb added
3 min rest
Set 4:4reps with 40lb added
3 min rest
Set 5:3reps with 45lb added
3min rest
Set 6:2reps with 50lb added
3 min rest
Set 7:1rep with 55lb added
I have this method to be quite effective for increasing max strength.