Lactate test results | Uphill Athlete


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Lactate test results

  • Creator
  • #9254


    I have been running since January this year using the MAF formula and calculated my AeT to be 128 bpm and have been running at or under it.

    Prior to purchasing and starting the 24 Wk Marathon plan I thought I should get an assessment for my Aerobic Threshold via a lactate test as I couldn’t find a suitable lab to do a gas exchange test.
    They have calculated my Blood Lactate 2mmol/L at 155. Should I start using this as my AeT for the training plan?

    I have attached a copy of the lab report.

    Thanks for your time and help.

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  • Participant
    Richie on #9256

    I’m sorry but since posting I’ve looked more closely at the data (I work in miles not kilometers for pace). I’ve realised that my heart rate is quite elevated in the first 3 or 4 stages. My MAF pace runs are usually around the same pace as stage 3 (10:04 per mile) with a 128 bpm heart rate.

    I’m not really sure what caused it, they let me have a 10 minute warm up.
    I usually run in the morning fasted but the tests can only be done in the afternoons. Would you recommend fasting until then if I can?

    As a bonus I called the lab after I realised and are happy to carry out a free retest.

    Anonymous on #9307


    This test looks to have been done well and I think you can trust these numbers. You hit 2mMol/L at 180 meters/minute in stage 4 which corresponded to a HR of 154. That’s higher than we’d expect to see for a 47 year old. If you’ve been doing the bulk of your training under 128 you can’t just jump to using 154 as the faster pace will beat up your legs. I suggest adding in short doses of 1-4 minutes long 3-4 times/hour for a while to accustom your legs to that speed. You will probably need to do most of your long runs under 140 until your legs get stronger too.

    As your legs strengthen you may find you can run at 155 longer but I’d limit this pace to runs under 1 hour for a while. Monitor your recovery to see how fast your legs come back after the faster runs.

    Richie on #9309


    Thanks for the reply and advice, it’s much appreciated.

    I intend to start the plan next week, I will be extending it to 30 weeks+ as the first marathon won’t be until November. So plenty of time to build up the legs (in the manner you advised).

    Just called to cancel the retest but they were pretty insistent on doing it again, Japanese customer service at its best.


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