Lab test questions from another newbie | Uphill Athlete


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Lab test questions from another newbie

  • Creator
  • #70570

    Like a lot of people, I ended up here after listening to the Attia San Milan podcasts. About nine months ago I started doing “endurance” training, trying to focus entirely on zone 2. I’m doing almost all my work on a Versaclimber, and I’ve been doing 90 minute sessions 3 times a week, keeping my HR in the mid/high 130s, which was my guesstimate for AeT. I’m 43, fairly fit by “normal” standards and am pretty lean/muscular (5’11”, 200 lbs, ~10% body fat). So, something like Maffetone would put me at about 132, but I had been ratcheting that up a bit for my estimate because the talk/nasal breathing test puts me much higher. (I have videos of myself doing pure nasal breathing for a minute straight while both my Polar strap and Apple watch are reading 149-151.)

    Anyway, I had a vo2 max test done two days ago (on a treadmill) just to establish some semi-trained baselines:

    HR at VO2 max=176
    VO2 max=51

    So, if you would suffer yet another newb, I have a few questions for you experts:

    1) Obviously, my AeT is still way below my LT. What is more likely, that my pre-trained AeT was even lower and I’ve been pushing it up but still have a ways to go? Or, has my training in the 135-140 range been far enough off target that I’ve been in the dreaded no man’s land?

    2) Is it normal for the talk/nasal breathing test to be so far off my actual AeT? Like I said, it’s extremely easy for me to nasal breathe in the mid 140s. At low 150s I can still nasal breathe, but it starts to feel uncomfortable, and by mid- to high-150s I start to have to take the occasional big mouth breath.

  • Participant
    josswinn on #70572

    Regarding (2), I was nose breathing throughout my own 1hr AeT field test with an average HR of 159bpm and aerobic decoupling of 2.1% (suggesting my AeT was higher), but a lab test a month or so later showed VT1 at 152 and LT1 at 157bpm. I think nose breathing is something that can be learned/improved and therefore an unreliable indicator of aerobic threshold. I now use LT1 (157) as my AeT threshold and it feels right under different conditions.

    btw, what’s MEP?

    DeservingPorcupine on #70578

    Interesting thought. Before starting this, my main athletic endeavors have been in various martial arts. I wonder if I got “good” at nose breathing due to the tendency to bite down on a mouth guard, making it harder to breathe through the mouth?

    “MEP” was on my report as metabolic efficiency point, where my carb/fat burning was 50/50. Not sure if that should be relevant to anything, but put it here since the data point was available.

    Dada on #70695


    How was the AeT defined/measured in your test?

    Where do you burn the maximum amount of fat in absolute terms?

    Wrt your questions:

    1) staying below/around your AeT is good to develop AeT; training constantly above AeT is counterproductive

    2) yes, that is why this website clearly say “don’t use the nasal breathing test!” 😉


    DeservingPorcupine on #71483

    “How was the AeT defined/measured in your test?

    Where do you burn the maximum amount of fat in absolute terms?”


    Although, the test I took was a standard vo2 max test, which means I moved through the speed/incline levels too quickly, per this site’s advice. (Realized that too late.)

    Thanks for the confirm!

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