Is this correct advice?? | Uphill Athlete


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Is this correct advice??

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  • #45753

    I’m hiking the Grand Canyon in 3 weeks. Been training using your program.

    I was reading the NPS website and they provide advice on the hike.

    First thing they say is to stay aerobic and make sure you can talk- okay that makes sense and is in sync

    They then recommended a 10 minute break every hour. Is this right?? To me it seems counterproductive and that I would have to re- “start up” my aerobic system. Thanks for your input

    Take a Break

    A break of ten minutes helps remove the metabolic waste products that build up in your legs while hiking. Take a break at least every hour. Sit down and prop your legs up. Eat some food, drink some fluids, and take this time to enjoy and appreciate the view. These efficient breaks can recharge your batteries. In the long run, breaks will not slow you down.

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    Anonymous on #45775

    Anything public-facing is going to be geared for the average person. The chance of the NPS having high-level training knowledge is pretty low… They deal with the public.

    I would base it on your prior experience.

    Rachel on #45778

    Jane, what route are you going to do? We’re headed there next week, my husband & I will take turns hiking down to the bottom and back out. If the east entrance was open I’d have worked out a way to do south to north rim but I have no desire to drive for over 5 hours to get back. My plan is to hike/run South Kaibab to Phantom then up Bright Angel. If I feel good I’m going to go along the Rim trail up top and make it a 50k. (we’ll see if that happens though)

    My personal strategy is I have a pace plan for going down (which I know will be under my AeT), then up I was going to aim for a vertical pace goal (like x number of meters/hour) but I’ll defer to how I feel and go slower if needed. These are paces I worked out at a higher altitude (I live at 7200 feet and often have to train higher).

    The thing I’ll be cautious about is not going down too fast so I don’t burn my legs out since coming back up is mandatory. And I’m not going to take many breaks myself, except to enjoy the view, fill up water, and hopefully a hot cup of coffee at the ranch. Have fun!

    saltzmanjane on #45781

    I’m going down South Kaibab and up Bright Angel on 11\3.

    My plan was down as fast as possible hiking so I know my HR will be below recovery and up at the pace that will keep me below AeT. I wasn’t really planning on stopping on a regular schedule but the NPS statement made me second guess myself. Normally I don’t put any stock in what they say but because they knew enough to tell me to stay below AeT I wanted to double check!

    I train at 2300 and know my hiking paces for average gradient. I’ve recently hiked in Flagstaff between 9000-12000 and by RPE by AeT was just a tad lower than at 2300.

    Ever since I’ve slowed things down my hiking has been so much more enjoyable and I have no after effects. I’m constantly amazed that most hikers still hike as fast as possible, crash and complain how shitty they feel but won’t slow down their pace.

    briguy on #45784

    I did Rim to Rim to Rim back in 2014, via Bright Angel so round trip about 47m.

    Both the north rim and south rim are significant climbs, and depending on the time of year the conditions are a major factor. We went the earliest that they turned the water taps on (mid-May) and it was still 100+ on the canyon floor that day (which was admittedly unseasonably hot).

    We didn’t make any stops except to fill bladders at the available taps and it was still quite the long day, with over half our group quitting on the north rim and taking the 4 hour shuttle back to south.

    ralllyrae on #45787


    I ran/hiked North Kaibab to Bright Angel last weekend. I started early (4:30), and didn’t feel the need to stop until I reached the Cottonwood water stop. I think that was about 6 miles into the run? I think you should take a break when you feel you need it. After my short break to fill water and eat a snack, I ran to Phantom Ranch (7 miles) without a break. I obviously stopped to take a few pictures… My goal was to keep a pace that I could maintain all day. I took a few more breaks on my way out of the canyon, since it was really hot.

    My advice is:
    -Break when you feel your body needs the break.
    -Make sure you have enough water to get to Phantom. There is a water stop at Phantom Ranch, and there are 3 water stops on the way up Bright Angel.
    -Start early to avoid the heat.

    I live in Flagstaff! Let me know if you need anything.

    Anonymous on #45821

    I’m constantly amazed that most hikers still hike as fast as possible, crash and complain how shitty they feel but won’t slow down their pace.

    Great observation, @saltzamnjane. This is (affectionately) know as the strong-like-bull-smart-like-tractor approach. I wish I could say that I’ve never used it. Thankfully (I think) I’ve outgrown it.

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