Improving AeT query. | Uphill Athlete


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Improving AeT query.

  • Creator
  • #20931

    Hi Guys, hope everyone is well.

    Apologies if this has been asked before but I have searched but to no avail.

    I have both books and have just got through the most recent one in 2 days!

    It states that your AeT will improve. When you are stating this, do you mean the pace that you are moving at improves? Sorry for this misunderstanding but if someone was to use the MAF method, your AeT is set at 153 for example?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Participant
    todd.struble on #20957

    My understanding is that both pace at your starting AeT HR should go up and your heartrate at AeT should go up (and be even faster still). As an example, for me, I started out at 145 bpm and my pace was around 12 minute miles. After a few months of consistent training, both things improved, 1) my pace at 145 bpm dropped to around 10:00 minute miles; and 2) I re-tested at 10 bpm faster at 155 and I was just under 9 minute miles.

    It’s been a few months since that second test, and I think my AeT heartrate is has maybe gone up a tad in that efforts at 155 feel slightly easier than they did, but I’m certainly not cruising at 10 bpm faster and nose-breathing still. But I am fairly confident if I did another test at 155 my pace would be even faster than ~9 minute miles. In other words, my pace at a given heartrate has continued to get better, but the AeT heartrate “improvement” is more marginal. Or, at least dropping 30 seconds off my mile time at a given heartrate seems more material than maybe adding 2-3 bpm to my “AeT heartrate” given that some days feel easier than others. Hopefully that makes sense. I’m not sure how common my experience is though – I’m sure the coaches will have a better answer of how to measure improvement.

    Anonymous on #20960

    Initially, both pace and heart rate will improve. Then, just pace. On a good program, pace can continue to improve for years, while heart rate probably won’t change that much after AnT is within 5-8% of AeT.

    As I understand it, the MAF method is not intended to establish a reliable AeT (and no generic formula ever will). What the MAF method purports to do is prescribe a pace that is so easy, it is highly likely that it will be below AeT.

    However, I’ve never heard Maffetone discuss how many people the method has not worked for. If someone had lower than average heart rates, the formula could just as easily prescribe something too intense. His marketing seems to really suffer from survivorship bias. It’s much more effective to find out your real AeT.

    If you want a better estimate of AeT, use this or this.

    cuffers90 on #20970

    Thanks both for the replies.

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