Help on choosing training plan for Nepal Trekking | Uphill Athlete


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Help on choosing training plan for Nepal Trekking

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  • #6636

    After reading the first section of the TftnA book, which is great, I am now looking for a training plan what will help me for my new trip to Nepal.
    I am going in mid April to Mera peak 6466m and Island peak 6189m a trip of 4 weeks which is more are trekking peaks than real alpinism. The latter is the more technical of the two.
    The second week on January I am going on a course of ice climbing in Austria in the Stubaier Alps. This week is for preparation and testing my gear and for fun 🙂

    Looking at the training plans, is the 16 weeks mountain plan too much and should I stick to the 12 weeks trekking plan instead and how does this relate to a full daytime job, when looking at the weekly load?

    thanks for reading!

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    Anonymous on #6655


    You should definitely choose one of our Big Mountain plans (16 week minimum and 24 week if you have time). The trekking plan is really the minimum plan we recommend for those simply trekking from tea house to tea house. The more time you can devote to the plan (both in hours/week and weeks till you depart) the fitter you will be and the more you will enjoy the trip.

    Good luck the trip sounds wonderful,

    rkonings on #6702

    Thanks for your reply Scott.
    I will start on Sunday with the 24weeks plan 🙂

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