Guest Speaker, Rebecca Dent | Uphill Athlete

Guest Speaker, Rebecca Dent

  • Creator
  • #58398

    Hello FUA’s
    Our next Zoom chat we will have a special guest speaker, Rebecca Dent.
    For more background on her you can follow this link.

    This coming Tuesday the 26th Rebecca will be covering general nutrition. She has a 30 min presentation and then 30 min for Q & A. If you are unable to attend the zoom call please feel free to post questions for her here and we’ll make sure she answers them in the recorded zoom.

    Then she’ll be doing another extra presentation on Tuesday Nov 16th 11am Pacific on event and training specific nutrition. Same format 30 min presentation and 30 min Q & A, we’ll put a reminder post in the forum before that talk as well.

    Here’s a handy link to a couple of the podcasts UA has done with Rebecca as well.

  • Keymaster
    Coach on #59051

    Here is the zoom link for our second session with Rebecca: Uphill Athlete is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

    Topic: FUA 3-Guest Speaker
    Time: Nov 16, 2021 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

    Join Zoom Meeting

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    Meeting ID: 871 6028 2124
    Passcode: 580033
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    Anonymous on #59303

    Hi FUA Group,
    Update on Rebecca’s nutrition presentation #2. She has had a personal emergency arise that will keep her from being able to do the extra zoom this week however we feel it is important enough that she will be speaking next Tuesday the 23rd at our regular zoom. We will be available for all your training questions as well.
    Then December 7th we will be discussing in detail the TSS/CTL/ATL numbers and answers questions. Those numbers take a minimum of a couple of months of training data input ot actually be accurate and tell an athlete much about training effect, recovery, fitness etc. Looking forward to see you all soon!
    Carolyn and Maya

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