Encouragement | Uphill Athlete


  • Creator
  • #45913

    Hey Everybody,
    I wanted to offer some encouragement to keep training even though the 2020 race season has pretty much been a bust. I ran my first 50k last January and have been consistently training throughout the spring and summer. I ran another 50k this weekend and was able to cut over 40 minutes from my previous time. Neither finish times were particularly note worthy but I’m quite happy with my increased fitness. I just want to encourage everyone to continue the hard work of preparation, the races will return eventually and you can be ready when they do.

    Happy training,

Posted In: Mountain Running

  • Participant
    sgw on #45914

    Great timing, I dig that 😉

    As the winter season is coming up and I stopped skitouring because of fear of another injury (had cruciate ligament tear some years ago, decided to not have surgery …) I somehow don’t know what to do in winter 😉 Some years I ran and cycled through the mild winter, some years I focussed on climbing indoors 3-4 days per week. And the occasional “digging through snow, up some mountain” trips.

    This year I want to try a more focussed and structured approach, which also means: define a goal. As you mentioned a 1st 50k last january: this might be a goal for me.

    It’s always great to experience progress, thanks for the encouragement, I am looking forward to what I might achieve. And it’s great to somehow share these things, being part of a community running through the cold and cloudy fall forest 😉

    Anonymous on #45920

    Well done!

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