E- stim, different responce between left and right side | Uphill Athlete


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E- stim, different responce between left and right side

  • Creator
  • #51325

    I bought PowerDot e-stims to aid my recovery. I put them on my quads and I got a wery different responce between right and left side??

    On the right side you can see twitching and on the left side nothing. Is it normal?

    I trid to switch the patces from right side to left but with the same result.

  • Participant
    sgw on #51341

    In my experience that comes from slight differences in the placement of the pads.
    If on one leg you are right on spot and on the other not -> different response.

    Try moving the electrodes a bit, I assume we humans aren’t 100% symmetric 😉

    Other reason I can think of: worn out pads, but that is unlikely if you bought the device new.

    On my Compex device I can adjust the electrical signal for each canal: this also helps to fine-tune the contractions.

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