Changes to 24 week plan | Uphill Athlete


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Changes to 24 week plan

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  • #8278

    Hi Steve and Scott,

    I was just playing around with applying the 24 week plan (which I have been really enjoying) to next year.

    I notice there have been some changes, mostly it seems like a few more rest days later in the plan and the replacement of the hill sprints with more Z3 work? And the twice a week hill climbs seem to have changed?

    Could you please elaborate on these changes?

    (Personally I had dropped the hill sprints as I was struggling to recover from weekends of weighted carries along with keeping up the volume anyways)

    Many thanks

    Also in weeks 1-4 of the ‘conversion to specificity’ period, i have ended up putting both hill climbs on the weekend, more like the programming in weeks 5-8 of the specific period. This is the only way I can really fit them in. I still manage a few hours running in the week + some maintanence strength and climbing. Is there any harm in this?


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #8289


    Thanks for buy and using the 24 week plan.
    We are constantly refining the plans as we get feedback. The changes you note were made to maximize the effectiveness.

    We like hill sprints as a great strength workout. But felt that the Z3 hill climbs were accomplishing some of the same things plus more ME benefit so made this change. That meant the longer weekend climbs had to change to accommodate the Z3 ME workouts.

    Doing back to back long hike/climbs on the weekends is fine. Most people do this.


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