Alpine Combine Results | Uphill Athlete

Alpine Combine Results

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  • #6461


    I have a question about my alpine combine results. I am trying to get a sense of what they mean for my personal strengths and weaknesses. Here are the results from my first test after a 6 week break. This is my first experience with TFNA.

    1000 foot box steps (running shoes) – 30:37
    Dips (full body weight) – 14
    Sit-ups – 38
    Pull-ups – 15
    Box jumps (12 inch) – 42
    Push-ups – 26

    From what I can tell, my aerobic endurance for box steps, my sit-ups, and my push-ups are pretty centrally located in the “good zone”

    My dips and pull-ups lie toward the “poor” zone.

    My box jumps lie toward the “excellent” zone. Maybe the box is too low?

    What this says to me is that I am currently more anaerobically fit than aerobically fit given my box jumps vs. my 1000 foot box step results. I suppose that makes sense since I haven’t done any physical activity for a while.

    Not sure what to make of the other tests. Maybe I have a relatively strong core and relatively weak arms?

    Is my analysis correct? What do these results say to you? Also, I’m curious how big a difference mountain boots make in the box tests.

    Thanks so much!

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #7675

    Sorry for the slow reply. Spam ate your post. Really….

    Your assessment sound pretty correct. Aerobic system detrained relative to the anaerobic. Stiff mountain boots make a big difference in the box steps compared to running shoes.

    These are only very general guidelines and hard to compare one person to another. Use this test to compare your pre and post training self.


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