Aerobic Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) / Aerobic Threshold Run | Uphill Athlete


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Aerobic Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) / Aerobic Threshold Run

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  • #37032


    in the 8 weeks basic mountaineering trainings plan, many times I am asked to do Aerobic Threshold Runs (train HR < MAF which likely means < AeT ? ).
    Uphill Athlete Book tells me not to train Z2 but Z1 as I do not suffer from Aerobic Deficiency Syndrome.
    However I do not suffer from Aerobic Deficiency Syndrome (ADS) and such shall I still train in Z2 or in Z1 instead (which is a recovery run then)? Book says “avoid Z2”
    My training until now (self-modified trainings plan based on Uphill Athlete Book) resulted for 15. November 2019 to 31.12.2019 Z1=61%, Z2 28%; now January Z1=49% Z2=35%

    My aim: 6 days hut to hut Skimo (Ötztal) and then Mount Blanc 2-3 days later.
    I hold the 8 weeks hut to hut plan and the 8 weeks mountaineering plan and tried to merge them with book`s recommendation/knowledge to fit best in my daily routine

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    Anonymous on #37077

    It’s fine to train in Zone 2 as long as it’s not too fatiguing. As you get faster, Z2 will get more tiring. Then at that point, it’s best to increase the amount of Z1.

    The one thing you may want to consider is reducing high-intensity. Your graph shows quite a large amount of Z3-5 training. Much more than we would normally recommend.

    pult on #37092

    Many thanks Scott,

    interesting that my time in Z3/Z4 is too high (figure only shows Z1-Z4). I thought the Uphill Athlete book says, that Z3/Z4 should be 10-15% of all – may be my memory is wrong.

    November 2019: Z3/Z4 = 7.2% Z5 = 0%*
    December 2019: Z3/Z4 = 12.3% Z5 = 0%*
    January 2020: Z3/Z4 = 15.8% Z5 = 0%*
    February 2020: Z3/Z4 = aimed for 12% Z5 = 0%*
    January 2020: Z3/Z4 = aimed for 12% Z5 = 0%*

    What is your recommended time in Zone 3/4?



    *As the Uphill Athlete books define Z5 >max heart rate, I do not train in Z5

    Anonymous on #37096

    …figure only shows Z1-Z4…

    Good point! The first column has five shades of red, while others have four. I only counted the first column and then assumed the others were the same.

    What is your recommended time in Zone 3/4?

    It depends on training history and the type of event being trained for. For ski touring and general mountaineering, I wouldn’t recommend more than a few percent of total training time. (This can largely be accomplished with maybe one high-intensity session per week in the final four to six weeks before your trip.) Even for something much shorter and much more intense (like a 2-hour skimo race), 5% of total training time is plenty.

    Anonymous on #37097

    A general rule of thumb that I’ve started using is: If in the specific phase of a macrocycle, high-intensity should be limited to <5% of average training time over the previous four weeks.

    That sounds like a pain to calculate, I know. If you're using Training Peaks, you can add a chart to the Dashboard that will calculate the weekly volume (and the average) over the last 28 days.

    It's a good rule of thumb for a couple of reasons:

    1. You can limit the total high-intensity training time to something that will help rather than hinder; and

    2. If you're itching to do more high-intensity, it incentivizes you to do more easy volume. as a means to that end.

    pult on #37112

    Fantastic reply Scott, thank you, very helpful.

    Sorry for the issue with “The first column has five shades of red, while others have four.” I amended my zones on 11.Nov 2019 after book reading and that column was with the old zones (should have mentioned that, sorry). Upper limit Z5 was max heart rate (before 11.Nov), upper limit Z3 was lactat threshold, so now Z4 is likely former days Z4 plus Z5…..



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